Vaporwave: Retrowave

Vaporwave is considered to be one of the most relaxing of the experimental music genre. This genre usually features mostly slowed 80′s and 90′s music. The vocals of the retro songs are usually slowed or modified in some way. The repetition of these 80′s and 90′s  songs bring up some sort of nostalgia in lots of Vaporwave listeners.

Vaporwave was consider to be started through the popularity of Laserdisc Visions by Laserdisc Visions in 2011. This new sound to come out of the experimental music genre began to spread throughout the Internets subcultures. The music connected to Vaporwave is not the only thing that vaporwave has claim to. Vaporwave is also known for its music videos and cover art. Both the cover art and music videos of Vaporwave attempt to mirror the retro feel of the music. Many videos and covers will feature old advertisements from the 80′s and 90′s.



Below are a few popular songs from the Vaporwave genre. Just click on the song title listen to the song. Also do not forget that you can always head over to either Soundcloud or Bandcamp and search any of the featured genres to find even more artists like these

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